Arthritis and your pet

How to tell if your pet has Arthritis: Arthritis in dogs and cats is not a single disease, it’s actually an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. Just as in humans, arthritis in pets can be painful and limit their ability to walk and even exercise. Your pet’s joints take a [...]

Canine Coronavirus Vaccine and COVID-19

Pet owners may remember a time when their veterinarian regularly vaccinated their dogs and puppies for coronavirus. Seeing the chart notation “CV”, for coronavirus vaccination, next to “BV” and “RV” (Bordatella and Rabies, respectively) was once ubiquitous inpatient charts at our clinic. But as concerns increased regarding adverse reactions to vaccination, veterinarians reduced the number [...]

COVID-19 and Your Pet

What are coronaviruses? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tracts of birds and mammals, including humans. They cause a wide range of symptoms, including a runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever. Researchers first isolated a coronavirus in 1937 when a coronavirus was found responsible for avian infectious bronchitis [...]

Cold Laser Therapy

At Animal Care Clinic, one of the ways we address pain and inflammation is through the use of cold laser therapy. Cold laser therapy can relieve pain, improve nerve function, stop muscle spasms, speed tissue repair, increase the development of muscle tissue/collagen, and reduce inflammation throughout the body. Still a relatively new technology in veterinary [...]

Canine Social Butterflies

In dogs, the ability to cope with new situations is both learned and inherited. Introducing and familiarizing your dog to new experiences – including people, places, and other animals – is called socialization. Positive socialization teaches your dog to respond and interact appropriately to new and unfamiliar experiences. Socialization is just as important to your [...]

How Can I Tell If My Pet Is In Pain?

With seasonal changes in weather, it can be common for elderly dogs and cats to suffer some discomfort from old joints and sore muscles. Pain in animals, however, can sometimes be difficult to notice. It’s in the nature of both the feline and the canine species to hide pain until it can no longer be [...]

Exercising Your Cat

Four for Friday: Four Ways to Exercise your Cat It's true that cats are natural loungers...that's evolutionary. Just look at lions, for goodness sake! Most photos taken of these cats, king of all beasts, show them lying around squinting in the sun. Even without a lot of exercise, cats have high metabolisms - which means [...]


The Benefits of a pet Microchip No matter how much you love your pet, accidents can happen. Pets get lost – for numerous reasons. If your pet is wearing a collar and ID tags, chances are good you'll be reunited. But what if your indoor cat doesn't wear a collar? Or what if the collar [...]


The social lives of dogs In dogs, the ability to cope with new situations is both learned and inherited. Introducing and familiarizing your dog to new experiences – including people, places, and other animals – is called socialization. Positive socialization teaches your dog to respond to and interact to new experiences appropriately and without fear. [...]

Boarding A Happy And Comfortable Pet

It's hard to believe that the holidays are just weeks away! At this time of year, we often need to find our pet a home away from home as we travel to visit family or holiday destinations. If you've never boarded your pet, or even if you have, here are some boarding tips to help [...]

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